PBA is committed to making a premier private school education affordable so you can graduate with a degree and peace of mind! If you are thinking about choosing PBA, use our 净价计算器 to determine what it might cost to attend PBA. If you have already received your financial aid offer, use our 援助 & 费用计算器 to estimate costs for the upcoming year. Calculators are for Daytime Undergraduate students only.
Thinking about making PBA your home? Use our 净价计算器 to find out what aid you may be eligible for and estimate your total costs.
援助 & 费用计算器
Have you already received your financial aid offer? 使用我们的援助 & 费用计算器 to plug in your aid and calculate your costs for the upcoming year.
2024 - 2025年学费 & 费用表
All UNDERGRADUATE students taking 9 or more credit hours, all full-time GRADUATE students taking 6 or more credit hours, 所有的Ph值.D. students taking 3 or more credit hours, as well as all International, 药店, 护理, and full-time Evening students are required to have health insurance. Online students are not eligible to enroll in this insurance plan. 学生, please refer to your Enrollment Checklist for further information on how to waive the health insurance. To qualify for the waiver or enroll in the plan, students must be registered for classes in Fall 2023.
12 - 18学分
- Overload | $795 per credit hour over 18 credit hours
$1,080 to $6,480 per semester
了解更多关于 这里的食宿费.
Included below are general fees required for all students. You will see these appear as separate charges on your student bill.
- 安全 & 安全| 支持全天候校园安全 & Security presence on Main Campus and the Rinker Athletic Campus.
- 学生活动| Supports services and activities for students, 学生组织, intercollegiate athletic and academic activities, and all activities and promotions sponsored by Student Life.
- 运动| Provides all student body free admission to athletic contests and promotions on campus.
- 图书馆| Supports the development and maintenance of 图书馆 collections and other media services to meet student needs.
- 运输| Provides transportation for university programs and between 西拼搏体育 campus locations (i.e., Main Campus and the Rinker Athletic Campus).
- 技术| Supports campus-wide Wi-Fi and the expansion of technology-based services to enhance student capabilities.
Full-Time (12+ credit hours)
- 安全 & 安全| $120 per semester
- 学生活动| $85 per semester
- 体育类|每学期50美元
- 图书馆|每学期20美元
- 运输| 每学期50美元
- 技术| $175 per semester
Part-Time (1-11 credit hours)
- 安全 & 安全| $10 per credit hour
- 学生活动| $7 per credit hour
- 运动| $4 per credit hour
- 图书馆|每学分2美元
- 运输| $4 per credit hour
- 技术| $15 per credit hour
Additional fees will vary by student.
- 聪明的旗鱼(巴恩斯 & 高尚图书计划 | 每学分24美元
- 定时医疗费| 每学期50美元. Virtual Clinic offers on-demand care for medical and mental health support.
- 课程费用| Varies and can range from $25-$500
- 留学项目| Palm Beach Atlantic University offers a variety of study abroad opportunities, with more than 30 programs and 20 countries from which to choose. For a complete list of programs and prices, 访问我们的 Rinker Center for Experiential Learning page.
- 停车费
Returning Resident Student, Main Campus| $400 per semester
Commuter Student | $250 per semester
Coastal Towers/Arkona Residence | $500 per semester
Resident, Athletic Campus Only | $300 per semester
- 每学时400美元
- 学位认证
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时400美元
- 每学时325美元
- 每学时400美元
- $5,000 per semester (fall and spring) | $10,000 per year
- 12 credits Fall | 12 credits Spring | 6 credits Summer
- Overload: $460 per credit hour
组织的领导, BS
- $3,750 per semester (fall and spring) | $7,500 per year
- 12 credits Fall | 12 credits Spring
- Overload: $460 per credit hour
- Summer Courses: $460 per credit hour
一般费用 do not apply to this program.
- $5,000 per semester (fall and spring) | $10,000 per year
- 12 credits Fall | 12 credits Spring | 6 credits Summer
- Overload: $460 per credit hour
一般费用 do not apply to this program.
Included below are general fees required for all online undergraduate students. You will see these appear as separate charges on your student bill.
- 技术| 每学时42美元
- Supports expansion of technology-based services to enhance student capabilities.
Additional fees will vary by student.
- 聪明的旗鱼(巴恩斯 & 高尚图书计划 | 每学分24美元
- 每学时465美元
Included below are general fees required for all Orlando students. You will see these appear as separate charges on your student bill.
- 安全 & 安全| 支持校园安全 & Security on the Orlando Campus.
- 技术| Supports campus-wide Wi-Fi and the expansion of technology-based services to enhance student capabilities.
Full-Time (12+ credit hours)
- 安全 & 安全| $120 per semester
- 技术| $175 per semester
Additional fees will vary by student.
- 聪明的旗鱼(巴恩斯 & 高尚图书计划| 每学分24美元
- 课程费用| Varies and can range from $25-$500
Master of 业务 Administration, MBA
- 每学时720美元
- 由校园
- 每学时735美元
- 由校园
ERP Systems and Data Analytics Certificate
- 学位认证
- 每学时735美元
Project Management Certificate
- 学位认证
- 每学时720美元
- 每学时585美元
- 网上只有
- 每学时455美元
- 网上只有
- 每学时550美元
- 网上只有
- 每学时595美元
- WPB校园|在线
- 每学时550美元
- 由校园
Master of Arts in Christian Studies, MACS
- 每学时550美元
- 由校园
Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies, MAIS
- 每学时550美元
- 由校园
Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion, MAPR
- 每学时550美元
- 由校园
- 每学时1000美元
- 由校园
- $17,800 per semester (Fall and Spring)
- 每年35,600美元
- 14050美元(秋季和春季/夏季)
- 每年42,150美元
了解更多关于 这里的食宿费.
Included below are general fees required for all students. You will see these appear as separate charges on your student bill.
- 安全 & 安全| 支持全天候校园安全 & Security presence on Main Campus, the Orlando Campus, and the Rinker Athletic Campus.
- 学生活动 | Supports services and activities for students, 学生组织, intercollegiate athletic and academic activities, and all activities and promotions sponsored by Student Life.
- 运动| Provides all student body free admission to athletic contests and promotions on campus.
- 图书馆 | Supports the development and maintenance of 图书馆 collections and other media services to meet student needs.
- 运输| Provides transportation for university programs and between 西拼搏体育 campus locations (i.e., Main Campus and the Rinker Athletic Campus).
- 技术| Supports campus-wide Wi-Fi and the expansion of technology-based services to enhance student capabilities.
西拼搏体育 Campus Programs
- 安全 & 安全| $10 per credit hour
- 学生活动| $7 per credit hour
- 运动| $4 per credit hour
- 图书馆|每学分2美元
- 运输| $4 per credit hour
- 技术| $15 per credit hour
- 安全 & 安全| $120 per semester
- 技术| $175 per semester
- 技术| 每学时42美元
Additional fees will vary by student.
- 聪明的旗鱼(巴恩斯 & 高尚图书计划| 每学分24美元
- 定时医疗费| 每学期50美元. Virtual Clinic offers on-demand care for medical and mental health support.
- 课程费用| Varies and can range from $25-$500
- 停车费
- Commuter Student | $250 per year
All charges subject to change.